Message from the Pastor

29 Jun

God Has a Plan for Your Life “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for yourwelfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jer. 29:11) Life so often feels like a grind.We follow our daily...

25 May

The Long Green Season This is the unofficial name for the Season after Pentecost in which we now enter. Here in our part of the world, it mirrors the greenery around us. Indeed, the green season has returned, or is it in bloom for...

30 Apr

 The Season of Bloom The hymn writer John Macleod Campbell writes, “Now the green blade rises from the buried grain, wheat that in dark earth many days has lain.” We are well into the season of...

30 Mar

"Newsletter for Easter 2024" You have heard that beauty is in the eye of the beholder, but there are some things that are beautiful to most everyone. The story found in John 12:1-8 is such a thing. It is a...

28 Feb

“ The Christian in the World” We are just four weeks away from Palm Sunday and five weeks away from Easter. Before the month of March is over, landscapers will be treating yards with pre-emergent...

31 Jan

For Everything There is a Season Time is relentless. I can hardly believe that it is February already, even though the stores are displaying the pink, white and red for Valentine’s Day. February is also the...

30 Dec

What Now? Christmas has come and gone. Whatever anxiety we may have had about it has been resolved. We gave and received gifts. We had our Christmas feast. Christmas for most of us has been an event. In fact,...

27 Nov

Christmas Blessings We live in a society where most people are doing everything they can to be happy in life. The worldprovides us with many things to cheer us up or change our mood. There are many forms...
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