Peace offers a number of opportunities for both musicians and those who appreciate music to revel in the joy that music brings. Come any Sunday to our Family-Friendly Worship service to hear the musical offerings being lifted for the glory of God.
Offer your talents & join us in one of our choirs:
Senior Choir
Bell Choir
New Spirit Ensemble
Ringers Needed!
The Peace Bell Choir is looking for a new member to play with us on a regular basis! Basic music reading skills are needed (you don’t need to be an expert). We are also looking for a few people who read music that would be willing to fill in on occasion.
Rehearsals are approximately every other week/as needed on Wednesday evenings at 7:00 p.m. Our goal is to play one worship service a month.
If you are interested, please contact Jen Bara at 267-307-4061 or [email protected]. The Peace Bell Choir looks forward to playing with YOU!

Did You Know?
The Peace’s Roosevelt organ is an impressive instrument, with a rich history and a beautiful sound. And, it’s the 2nd largest in Bucks County! It’s wonderful that people have the opportunity to visit and hear it being played on Sundays. We hope those who are interested in music and organs will take advantage of this opportunity and visit the Peace’s Roosevelt organ.