A Message from Pastor Gary – June

The Long Green Season

This is the unofficial name for the Season after Pentecost in which we now enter. Here in our part of the world, it mirrors the greenery around us. Indeed, the green season has returned, or is it in bloom for the first time? Of course, we have all seen this before, but it is only the same in our minds; it is not the same in reality. It’s a new year and a new bloom that never existed before.

In the same way, the Season after Pentecost returns us to the stories about Jesus’ ministry. The problem is that we know these stories already and we already know the ending of the gospels. We have heard it all before.

However, a number of famous people have coined this phrase, “sometimes the biggest hindrance to learning is that which we already know.” Dick Ritger, a retired physical education teacher and professional bowler says, “practice doesn’t make perfect; practice makes permanent.” His point is that however we practice something, what we practice will become permanent even if it is wrong.

What would it be like if we were to approach the Season after Pentecost as though we don’t know everything that is going to happen in the Biblical narratives? Dare we consider approaching this season as though we don’t know anything that is going to happen in the stories of Jesus’ life.

Here we might try an interesting and challenging exercise. As we encounter the stories, let’s approach them like they are new. Let’s approach the Long Green Season not as the return of something, but as a new and fresh bloom. Who knows what we might discover?

Pastor Gary