Message from the Pastor

03 Mar

Repentance I remember a young man saying that he had experienced a remarkable change in his life. He said that he had made a 360 degree turn around. There was a quiet pause in the room and then everyone began to laugh. Finally, someone...

28 Jan

Epiphany The gospel lessons during the season of Epiphany talk to us about who Jesus Christ really is. It is noteworthy that the gospel lesson for the day of Epiphany is Matthew 2:1-12, the story of the wisemen and the star that they...

03 Jan

Ode to Winter When you ask people what their favorite season is, many will say Fall. Still others will say Spring or Summer. Very few will say Winter. Doesn’t Winter have beauty to offer too? Could it be that the discomfort of the...

03 Dec

First Things First, Slow Down It seems these days the joy of Christmas must penetrate our busy schedules and our hectic planning if it is going to find us at all. We are a doing society; so much so, that we think something is wrong...

02 Nov

Miracles Loosely defined, a miracle is a happening that defies the laws of form or compromises them in an extremely improbable way. The result of which has a favorable outcome for one or more people involved, and causes...

04 Oct

This Autumn Fall Back into Church The Fall is the beginning of the busy season. School starts, extra-curricular activities resume, andfor many, work responsibilities increase. It is also the case that many have been traveling...

01 Sep

Normality and the Pressure to Fit In We generally think about peer pressure as something that affects children and adolescents, but it affects adults too. How many times have we sat in a meeting and there was a public vote on...

30 Jul

Experiencing the Word of God Psalm 37:4 says “take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I have readand heard this verse of Scripture many times. When reading it or hearing it, it seems as though...
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