22 Sep 2020 0 Comment

We’ve Called a New Pastor !!

The congregation of Peace voted to extend a Letter of Call to Pastor Gary Costa at our congregational meeting on August 30th, 2020. He has accepted our invitation and Pastor Gary Costa will be joining Peace-Tohickon Lutheran Church,...
8 Jul 2020 0 Comment

Peace Gardens Produce Benefits Pennridge FISH

Peace Gardens Is Feeding Our Community ! Thank you to all who are helping to water and weed the vegetable beds, harvest our veggies & care for our plants in Peace gardens. We will continue to need volunteers throughout the fall...
10 Apr 2020 0 Comment

GOOD FRIDAY VIDEO By Members of Peace

Good Friday Readings/Songs/Video Below are the links to the video that was created by many of Peace’s faithful members. Thank you all for your time and energy spent putting this together so that we could all have a truer sense of what...
20 Feb 2020 0 Comment


Food For Thought … We all like COFFEE as a ‘pick me up’.   C - Christ O - Offers F - Forgiveness F - For E - Everyone E - Every Time   Remember to share...