Peace - Animal Blessing

Blessing of the Animals – October 20th, 2024

🐶🦜🦎 On October 20th, bring your favorite furry, feathered, or scaly friend to Peace’s outdoor New Spirit church service. We will meet at the Pavilion at 10:15 am to praise and thank God for all His creatures. Also our animal visitors will receive a blessing from Pastor Gary. Please join us with your pets for this special worship service!


2023 Blessing of the Animals Photos

Thank you to everyone who brought their furry friends and joined us for the Blessing of the Animals! We also had people bring up pictures of their pets for a blessing. 🐶🐱

Dwight wrote in,

“It was a challenging cool morning with gusty winds, which literally blew the communion wafers off the plate! The doggies were all well behaved and seemed to like all the attention and pets during the service. My Cat Calvin eventually retreated back to the warm car after visiting with some of the kids and enjoying a walk along the ivy next to the church.”

Thank you to both Dwight and Dottie for sending in your wonderful photos!