Ode to Winter
When you ask people what their favorite season is, many will say Fall. Still others will say Spring or Summer. Very few will say Winter. Doesn’t Winter have beauty to offer too? Could it be that the discomfort of the cold distracts us from noticing the sparkle of icicles from the barren trees? Could it be possible that some of the most spectacular skies and sunsets take place in the winter?
Some many years ago, I was looking out of my office in New Jersey, and I saw a flag hanging from a flagpole. It was about a tenth of a mile away. I had never noticed it before. The view from my window was a playground and then the woods. It occurred to me that I could only see that far in the winter when all the trees were bare. During the Summer, the Spring, and most of the Fall, the fullness of the trees blinded me from seeing that far. I began to think, maybe we see more clearly in the winter, when the holiday season has passed, and the rush of Spring activities has not started yet. Winter can be a time of reflection and albeit cold, also a time of recovery.
I thought it fair to write this little ode to Winter, just as a reminder to the masses, that Winter too has something to offer.
Pastor Gary