The gospel lessons during the season of Epiphany talk to us about who Jesus Christ really is. It is noteworthy that the gospel lesson for the day of Epiphany is Matthew 2:1-12, the story of the wisemen and the star that they followed. While the gospel lesson for the following Sunday is the story of Jesus’ baptism which takes place in His adulthood.
Why such a huge gap in time? First, there doesn’t appear to be much recorded information about Jesus’ childhood or adolescence although the story of Jesus in the temple (Luke 2: 41-52) could have been included during Epiphany. Second, while Jesus is the Son of God, He is also fully human. In some ways He grows into who the Father has called Him and sent Him to be.
Therein lies the key to what the season of Epiphany is for us. During the course of our lives as believers, God will continue to reveal Himself to us in deeper and more meaningful ways. We will have experiences that challenge us to grow in our understanding of who God is. We will have moments in which the veil is removed.
“Even your sons and daughters shall see visions and have dreams . . .” (Acts 2:17) This is a paraphrase of the verse that is set in the context of “the last days.” That period of time is unclear to us since for God “a day is like a thousand years and a thousand years like a day.” (2 Peter 3:8)
In short, Epiphany reminds us that there is more. During this season of the church, let us open our hearts to welcome the new experiences and moments that Christ offers us. Amen
Pastor Gary