A Message from Pastor Gary – August

Experiencing the Word of God

Psalm 37:4 says “take delight in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart.” I have read
and heard this verse of Scripture many times. When reading it or hearing it, it seems as though the verse
is saying, if we take delight in God, He will give us what we want. This is a logical interpretation that
may be true to some degree, but the full experience of this verse is far more profound than that.

It turns out that when we take delight in the Lord He gives us new desires, revised desires, desires that
are in alignment with His will and glory. He gives us perfect desires, holy desires, desires that far surpass
the richness of what was in our hearts before. “When our desires are aligned with God’s desires we
experience true fulfillment. When our hearts and God’s heart are aligned opportunities for fulfillment
are readily available every day.

Reading God’s Word is different than experiencing God’s Word. Of course, we have to start with
reading the Word. Doing so invites us into an intimate relationship with our Creator and this can lead
to revelation.

Pastor Gary