A Message from Pastor Gary – July

God Has a Plan for Your Life

“For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your
welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” (Jer. 29:11) Life so often feels like a grind.
We follow our daily schedules and it can begin to seem like there’s nothing else to life. As Ecclesiastes
3 says, for every season there is a purpose, but we rarely if ever know what God’s purpose is. Life
seems vain and all our days feel like toil.

However, it’s nice to know that we are on God’s mind, that we are part of His plan, that He has a
purpose for us. Of course, we have to receive this, in the present, with hearts of faith.
Even in our senior years, God still has a purpose for us. That purpose may involve pouring our wisdom
into someone younger who needs guidance and support.

It can be refreshing to embrace the idea that our toil is not our destination, but only the route we are
taking to the next station in God’s plan for us. The boring scenery, the traffic jams; the people who
rudely cut us off on the road are not all there is. We have a destination. God has a plan for our lives

Pastor Gary